16 June 2012

Yoshimi Battles The Purple Japandroids

Good day, reader. Right now I bet you're surrounded by vaguely sad middle-class white people. America! One of those vaguely sad middle-class white people is probably you. Awesome! I am too. Let's distract ourselves from taking any action to improve our mediocre lives by writing/reading/vacantlystaringat another paragraph.

We at HLA have given up any current or future attempts at prolific posting here, as every time we promise we fail miserably, though this time I got like two weeks in or something. Understand that this blog will forever remain at the periphery of your Intertube-perusing activities.

Now is the point where you ask yourself why the hell you kept reading this far. I said nothing you didn't already know. I am sorry for this. I don't say anything I don't already know, which is why this blog is so shitty. So go on your way to download some good gifs, drink a warm bottle of wine, even listen to that shitty fun. album if you must. Just remember that I ♥ U. Forever.

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