17 January 2012

HLA's Top Ten Songs of 2011

Because everyone else is doing it, and because I'm not good enough to come up with unique post ideas, and because we must advance the spread of hipster music throughout the world.

Enjoy it, motherfuckers.

10. Wavves- I Wanna Meet Dave Grohl

Because really, who doesn't wanna meet Dave Grohl?

9. Random Guy on Subway- Niggas in Paris

Because I needed an excuse to link to this video.

8. M83- Midnight City

Because EPIC SAXOPHONE SOLO AT THE END. The audacity! Got damn!

7. Cults- Oh My God

Because who doesn't love concept albums featuring girl power vocals and creepy Jim Jones cameos over 60's pop-inspired beats?

6. Manchester Orchestra- Simple Math

Because this song and this band are fucking fantastic.

5. Neon Indian- Polish Girl

Because until there's new MGMT, Neon Indian is my go-to band for trippy shit.

4. Cage the Elephant- Shake Me Down

Because we could all learn to keep our eyes fixed on the sun- even on a cloudy day.

3. Foster the People- Helena Beat

Because it's almost as good as Pumped Up Kicks AND you haven't heard it ten million times already. (Well...at least not yet.)

2. Grouplove- Colours

Because Grouplove are the bestest new band out there.

1. Yuck- Get Away

Because that guitar sounds so fucking good I could fap to it ten times a day.
At least.


  1. I'm gonna bow to your music knowledge, but first I'm gonna stump for "Wait" by M83. (Even if the androgynous singer man sounds like he's saying "Roll Tide" over and over.)

  2. Pro-Bama trolling or not, "Wait" is indeed a fairly fucking good song. Hadn't heard it before, so thanks for the stumping!

    Appreciate you reading, man. Hope life's good and you're writing shit that's beautiful and surprising and deep and true and all those good things.
