13 February 2012


1. You, my three to five readers, are not getting the content you demand and deserve. Remember that while liberating Highland, IL is still my main goal in life, things in Columbia, MO demand more attention right now. For the dearth of intelligent posts I apologize.

2. Did you know Mizzou beat Kansas in basketball? It was fun. Even though it's old news, I will talk about it more soon!

3. Or not. It will take a while to write, because I like thousand word posts, which take time from actual life. And I have to cover zoning board meetings. (Journalism is for rockstars).

4. #FaithInHaith #FaithInHaith #FaithInHaith

5. Frank Haith IS an asshole, though, for sequestering his players in a hotel after the game. Mike Dixon was ready to fuck every living soul in the Tri Delt house, and possible some inanimate objects in there as well. To deprive him of this opportunity is at best mean and at worst an international human rights violation.

6. American TV? Fuck no I don't watch it. Special1TV, a discontinued British satire of the English Premier League featuring notable futbol managers in puppet form hosting their own call-in show? Seen almost every episode.

7. Speaking of the Special One, Jose Mourinho coming to Tottenham Hotspur? This possibility excites millions of my fellow American Spurs fans. It will never happen, though.

8. Barcelona should really go buy Gareth Bale and put him at left back and be the best fucking team ever. It worked wonders for me in FIFA 11, it will work wonders for Pep Guardiola in Actual Soccer 2012.

9. I have decided to produce a series of posts to help Ricky play FIFA better. His problem, of course, is that he can't score. Real life problems = video game problems.

10. In our last gratuitous thought on futbol: Zambia won the African Cup of Nations yesterday. It was kind of a beautiful miracle that featured kind of a heartbreaking backstory and kind of a dramatic penalty shootout. It makes you wonder if sometimes history really is written in the stars.

11. Is there something in Asian genes that predestines them to obtain all teaching assistantships? Some geneticist must research this.

12. Not that there's anything wrong with Asians or Asian TA's. I just find it a little ironic that someone that can't speak English is allowed to teach communications classes. Obviously this is way too much to ask.

13. "You should be getting into journalism if you have faith in the role of a journalist and believe in what we can do for society- not just because you want to go to basketball games every Friday night." -my professor, just now

14. Well then I'm fucked. Change basketball to football, and that describes me perfectly.

15. This means I need to find something else to do. Right now, that plan is "strategic communications" (read- become a slimy PR hack and/or modern day Don Draper). Not sure if this will lead to fulfillment and happiness, but then nothing in life ever ultimately does.

16. Now the professor says NPR is in its heyday? Hipsters really have inherited the Earth.

17. The title of this post is just another shameless excuse to link to some song I love/vaguely care about/have heard once or twice before. I will not stop doing this until I run through my whole iTunes library. It may take a while to get through 1268 songs.

18. I will never link to Adele though. This I promise.

19. Next year, MGMT wins all the Grammys that Adele got last night.

20. That is all. Now go look at some bitches in yoga pants.

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