22 September 2011

Reading- We Do It!

As we attempt (mostly, in vain) to move this blog away from college football polls and into shit normal people might give a shit about, I have decided to start reading books and talk about the shit I read in them! I will read popular books! Bestsellers! James Patterson/JK Rowling shit! Right? WRONG!

So, be on the lookout for fine literary analysis of these three books in the next few months.
UNTIL THEN, be more productive than I am doing all this worthless reading. Study for your classes. Read good writing at mizzousportswriters.com (HEY I WROTE THERE ABOUT A FOOTBALL TEAM YOU PROBABLY DON'T CARE ABOUT BUT HEY READ IT ANYWAY!)
Listen to Japandroids. Fuck bitches and get money. You won't be sorry you did. -kw-

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