18 May 2012

Day 7: Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis. She looks fucking fantastic. She has talent and, just as importantly for an artist, good taste (evidenced by her roles in everything from That 70s Show to Family Guy to Friends With Benefits to Black Swan). Did I also mention that she's rather hot?

She is the perfect woman. Yet that kid from Home Alone got to fuck her for eight years. Undeniable proof, if we needed any more, that life isn't fair.

So there's hope. If Mila Kunis is into former child stars, I bet she could really get into bloggers. Maybe she enjoys discussing matters of sport and government and culture. Maybe she really wants to liberate Highland, IL, and convert our dead-behind-the-eyes citizens into tried-and-true communists. She could probably make it happen if she really wanted to. I would not protest.

Oh Mila. Ohhhh Mila. I forgive you for fucking that. Even though that thing you fucked obviously had gonnorhea, I'd still fuck you. I don't even care. You're worth all of the gonnorhea in the world, and all the syphilis as well, and maybe all the HIV too.

Oh Mila. I just love you that much.

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